Maybe these terms are already familiar to our ears. Because like it or not, we live in these words every day. With communication we do it every day. Information is also always we get every day. Computer (technology) if there is a task or it’s boring to play the computer too. IT, ICT, ICCT also cover the development of communication and information. So, for more details, let’s take a look at the explanation of the words below.
COMPUTER (TECHNOLOGY) is something that works to process information/data according to a predetermined procedure. In the past people could also be called COMPUTER, because COMPUTER used to be defined as someone whose job is to calculate arithmetic. over time the word COMPUTER changed from a person to a machine that works to process data to calculate arithmetic. because time goes on, the COMPUTER function, which is a machine for calculating arithmetic, develops into a machine that can process all information other than arithmetic. And this COMPUTER function is still valid today. COMPUTER is classified as TECHNOLOGY because the definition of TECHNOLOGY itself is all tools or infrastructure to help and facilitate human life.
It is a message (speech or expression) or a collection of messages in the form of symbols. INFORMATION can also be interpreted as a notification after a lesson. According to the INFORMATION language comes from the ancient French word informacion (1387) which is taken from the Latin informationem which means “outline, concept, idea”. Information is a noun from informare which means activity in “communicated knowledge”.
COMMUNICATION is the process of a person or group exchanging information, whether knowledge or experience, which usually uses verbal or non-verbal language and is mutually understandable. According to the language COMMUNICATION comes from the Latin communis which means the same or Communico, communicatio or communicare which means making the same. “At first, communication was used to express organic needs. Chemical signals in early organisms were used for reproduction. Along with the evolution of life, primitive chemical signals were used in communication also evolves and opens up opportunities for more complex behavior such as the mating dance of fish”
IT (INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY) is any tool or infrastructure to help create, process, store, communicate, and disseminate information for human needs. The history of the word IT itself goes back a long way since language was invented because basically technology is a helper in human life so “language” can be considered technology. In the past, the dissemination of information through language after that developed into images because it is more durable than using only language which only uses human memory. After the IT images developed into letters of the alphabet and Arabic numbers which made it easier to disseminate information. After the discovery of the alphabet and Arabic numbers, the development of IT became very rapid. Many found new tools such as telephone, radio, television, computer, internet, etc.
ICT (INFORMATION COMMUNICATION TECHNOLOGY) is all human technical tools to process and convey information. In the past, the dissemination of information through language after that developed into images because it is more durable than using only language which only uses human memory. After the ICT images developed into letters of the alphabet and Arabic numbers which made it easier to disseminate information. After the discovery of the alphabet and Arabic numbers, the development of ICT became very rapid. Many found new tools such as telephone, radio, television, computer, internet, etc. The development of ICT cannot be stopped because, as we can see, there are currently many cell phones or cell phones that are increasingly sophisticated, many tools to connect us to cyberspace/internet, and many more that will develop in the world of ICT.
ICCT (INFORMATION COMMUNICATION COLLABORATION TECHNOLOGY) is a development of ICT because from the word “COLLABORATION” it collaborates further with ICT. For the ICCT example itself, like the ICt example above, such as the development of increasingly sophisticated cellphones, modems, laptops, Androids, and many more that will develop according to the needs of an increasingly instant era.
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